Philanthropy Trends- Articles
“The Business of Giving” The Economist. February 23, 2006. The article addresses how new donors are becoming much more business-like about the way their money is used.
Special Philanthropy Issue 2005 Business Week. A set of stories highlighting news and trends in the philanthropic world in 2005.
“Doing Well and Doing Good” The Economist. July 29, 2004. Explores the trends and impact of private philanthropy globally.
“Promoting Global Giving – An Overview” by Adele Simmons and Dan Nielsen. Alliance, December 2004. The authors look at existing global philanthropy infrastructure and discusses issues that need to be addressed to significantly increase the effectiveness and scale of global giving.
What is "New" About New Philanthropy? by The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy, 2001. This forum summary provides insights into the changing philanthropic landscape and the implications for philanthropy's role in, and impact upon, the nonprofit sector and public policy.
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