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I want to start by applauding the PARSA Community Foundation and Noosheen Hashemi for their reach outside of the Persian community. A few weeks ago, I was at my son’s little league baseball game, and one of the other parents beckoned me over and said “Simone, I just got an invitation to the PARSA dinner. I didn’t know you were Persian!” I think if we go back far enough, we’re all Persian. The point is -- in this increasingly flat world, it is in all of our best interests to be educated and aware of other countries and cultures. It is important that all Americans, not just Iranian-Americans, be informed about the people, the culture and the politics of Iran. PARSA recognizes this – as it has demonstrated not only through this award, but also by its outreach into the larger community to attend this dinner. Now, let me tell you a little about The Pluralism Fund, and our work on Iran. We are a non-profit organization that was founded in early 2002. Our work in Iran is two-fold. We support individuals and organizations who are working to develop an open, pluralistic civil society. And, we sponsor education events in the United States aimed at correcting misconceptions and broadening awareness about Iran and its people. We elected to work on Iran for several reasons. In 2002, Iran had a reformist government and space appeared to be opening up for civil society. Also, there were no more than a handful of other organizations in the United States working on Iran. We felt we could potentially make a difference. In our first few years we focused our grantmaking on capacity building for Iranian non governmental organizations. Because of US sanctions, we couldn’t put money directly into Iran. So we sponsored workshops, taught by Iranian Americans, aimed at NGO leaders. The workshops were held in Tehran, in some more provincial regions, and also in Istanbul, and were attended by over 400 NGO leaders. Topics ranged from international human rights, to women in literature, to leadership skills. We complemented our in-country efforts with a limited number of what we called “iran education days’ in the United States. We convened experts on Iran – usually academics and members of the diaspora – usually with an audience of between 20 and 40 people. . In 2003, it was a rare occasion to have a seminar on Iran. In 2007, we face a very different reality in both our grantmaking and our education program. We are unwilling to work directly or indirectly with NGO’s in Iran, because of the danger we would put them in. Instead, our board members have helped to support Iranian parliamentarians and other civil society leaders who have come to the US. Our primary support has been through funding fellowships at universities such as Harvard and MIT. And, the interest in and demand for our education programs has significantly increased. Over the past 18 months we have held six seminars in cities such as Dallas, New York City and Newport, Rhode Island .—with audiences ranging from 50 to 200. Just last month we held an event on Capital Hill – our first seminar targeted at the nation’s policy makers and legislators. And we have begun to compliment our education days with media outreach. For example, last February the Dallas NPR station featured our two speakers on their morning talk show. Five years ago, ten individuals came together at The Pluralism Fund to try and make a difference. We believed we could have more impact as a community, than as individuals. I am honored that you have recognized our efforts with this award. PARSA Community Foundation also believes in the power of the community. It’s goal is to encourage individuals to act together to develop a strong voice in civil society here in the U.S. All of you have an exciting, fulfilling, and impactful role to play. Congratulations on all you have done. Again – thank you very much for this award. 6ADŒЋЎПщ4 6 7 @ I P T X h k щ ъ   7 T \ a j k l С Т Ф в B R g v ’ Є з м я  " D m n яояояояояЭяЭоЭоЭоПояояЭяЎоПояЎяяоŒяояо{ПЭЎЭЎЭо hMэhЈOšCJOJQJ^JaJ hMэhЉCJOJQJ^JaJ hMэhnnѕCJOJQJ^JaJ hMэhаMЬCJOJQJ^JaJhMэCJOJQJ^JaJ hMэhCJOJQJ^JaJ hMэh3CJOJQJ^JaJ hMэh.ОCJOJQJ^JaJ05 6 Т У m n ?@,-noЭЮ'(RSIJst ЁЂЃ§§ј§ј§ј§§§§§§§ј§§§§§§§§§§§§§gdMэЃ§n t ƒ о ю ќ џ ! 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