Strategic Philanthropy

Innovation in Strategic Philanthropy: Local and Global Perspectives by Helmut K. Anheier, Adele Simmons and David Winder 2006. This book includes case studies conducted as part of the International Network on Strategic Philanthropy, which focus on the role of philanthropy in the globalization process and in lesser developed economies.

High Impact Philanthropy: How Donors, Boards, and Nonprofit Organizations Can Transform Communities by Alan L. Wendroff, Kay Sprinkel Grace, 2001. Shows how high impact philanthropy can help communities, nonprofits, and donor-investors become partners in the strengthening of communities in America and around the world.

Strategic Giving: The Art and Science of Philanthropy by Peter Frumkin, 2006. This book presents why donors can benefit from having a comprehensive plan to guide their giving and provides a framework to understand and develop this kind of philanthropic strategy.
Philanthropy's New Agenda: Creating Value by Mark Kramer and Michael Porter, 1999. Harvard Business Review article, Porter and Kramer make the case for foundation strategy in this seminal article. (R)

Mapping Change: Using a Theory of Change to Guide Planning and Evaluation by
This brief guide explains why grant makers use theories of change to guide their questioning, unearth assumptions that underlie their work, establish common language, and develop strong action plans.

High Impact Philanthropy
by Suzanne McGee, Financial Planning. Addresses the ways donors and their advisors are thinking about increasing the impact of their philanthropy.

Interpretations of Strategic Philanthropy - Lessons from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe: The Case for the Philippines Paper Prepared for International Network on Strategic Philanthropy 2004. Case study of strategic philanthropy in the Philippines.